Michigan Women Veterans Empowerment
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Michigan Women Veterans Empowerment
Michigan Women Veterans Empowerment is faith based all volunteer based 501c3 tax deductible non profit faith based charitable organization that is in need of volunteers, donated items for women veterans and monetary donations in order to fulfill the mission to empower women veterans within the State of Michigan. 

MIWVE is a 100% volunteer based organization, we are in need of support of all kinds. You can donate online or donate by check you can address your check to Michigan Women Veterans Empowerment and mail it to P.O Box 691 Goodrich, MI 48438 

If you are interested in serving, supporting or being a part of this movement please contact us @ [email protected] 
​All donations are 501c3 Tax-Deductible 
(Click on PayPal logo below to donate)
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Empower women veterans,  Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Michigan Women Veterans Empowerment whenever you shop on AmazonSmile
Check New line of MIWVE “Shero” Women Veteran Hero custom one of a kind handmade cooper and silver necklaces uniquely designed by Artist Annie Anglim of Anglim Art & Design in Fenton, MI. 
“If you are brave enough to serve, you are brave enough to heal"